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Girls Hygiene Pack

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Feminine hygiene is one of the biggest obstacles young women face in developing countries. Without access to adequate period products, she faces numerous health complications and is often prevented from attending school or her Life Center. But with your gift of a year’s worth of sanitary pads, she’ll be clean, healthy and confident, working towards a brighter future!

$30 provides enough supplies for a girl for 6 months.
$60 provides enough supplies for a girl for a year.

Make this a recurring pledge to ensure she has what she needs year-round!

Click the "Start a Campaign" button to launch your own personalized peer-to-peer fundraising campaign and mobilize your friends, family, and community to join in supporting this cause. Together, we can create a powerful impact and transform children's lives.

Life Center Discipleship
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! Aimed at unchurched kids, this weekly VBS-style program is crucial...