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Brith Angelina Melo Gonzales
ID - PE31309
Age - 11 years old
Gender - Female
Country - Peru
School Level - Primary
I want to be a
Police Officer
My favorite activity is
I help with
I am
My favorite meal is
I am receiving the gospel from
Local Life Center
My local Life Center, which is held at a church in my community. Life Center is a weekly gathering where I will learn about the Bible and Jesus, play games, enjoy a hearty meal, and receive support from caring Christian leaders.
Love Pack
Our child sponsorship program empowers you to fulfill The Great Commission by impacting the spiritual development of a child in need. Unchurched children are the core of our program. Your sponsorship supports the educational, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs a child has, so they can reach their God-given potential. Your sponsorship can make a difference now AND for eternity!
Our child sponsorship program empowers you to fulfill The Great Commission by impacting the spiritual development of a child in need. Unchurched children are the core of our program.

Your sponsorship supports the educational, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs a child has, so they can reach their God-given potential. Your sponsorship can make a difference now AND for eternity!
Our mission is to transform children’s lives by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them, providing for their physical needs, and supporting their long-term education. 
Childcare Worldwide was founded in 1981 by Max and Marlies Lange and has grown to sponsoring children in Africa, Asia, and South America. Our generous sponsors partner with us to connect children in need to Life Centers in their communities, led by in-country teachers and church workers, who lead Bible lessons, teach worship songs, play Scripture memory games, and share the hope of the Gospel.
What does sponsorship cover for my child?

Sponsorship primarily provides assistance for educational expenses, including school fees, uniforms, and books. Additionally, it grants children weekly access to the Life Center located at a nearby church, where they can engage with the gospel. At Life Center, children also receive supplementary support such as nourishing meals, access to clean water, and necessary medical attention. However, it's important to note that the funds for these additional provisions are raised separately from sponsorship.

What should I expect after I sign up to sponsor?

We are so thankful for your generosity and willingness to deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ to a child in need, supporting them to reach their God-given potential! In about 3 to 4 weeks, you will receive your sponsorship packet in the mail, which will include information such as a photo of your sponsored child, a handbook, and other info. You can begin writing to your child immediately from your account page. 

How often will I hear from my child?

We realize how special it is to hear from your child. You will receive at least 2 letters per year, and an updated picture every 2 years. However, we endeavor to provide as many updates as possible and you may see extra photos or videos in your account as we receive them from the field.

How can I be sure that my money is spent correctly? Where can I find out about your financial accountability?

Childcare Worldwide is audited by independent auditing firms in the U.S., as well as in each country where we work. We have also been endorsed by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability ( and are evaluated annually by Wall Watchers ( and Charity Navigator ( All of these “watchdog” non-profit organizations help assist prospective donors in making good giving decisions. You can view our Audited Financial Statements and Form 990 Tax Statement on our Financials Page.

Life Center Discipleship
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! Aimed at unchurched kids, this weekly VBS-style program is crucial...