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Food For Life

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Consistently living without enough food harms our children in every aspect of their lives. When their bellies are empty, they can’t fully engage in school or even their Life Center lessons. It is heartbreaking to see children missing the hope of the Gospel simply because they are hungry.

But you can share a meal with them for just $1 per meal! Each meal strengthens their health, helps them focus better in school, and improves their quality of life. Best of all, each meal opens the door to sharing the Gospel! Give a meal today to help them thrive both physically and spiritually.

To help even more children, make this a monthly pledge!

$25 = 25 meals

$50 = 50 meals

Life Center Discipleship
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! Aimed at unchurched kids, this weekly VBS-style program is crucial...